We. Hear. You.
a mentoring network for female architects in south africa
A mentoring network project to create support for women in architecture through the development of real reciprocal mentoring relationships

Why do black woman only make up 3% of the total number of registered architects in South Africa? That’s 271 out of 8 842 registered architectural professionals!
‘Statistics reflect an unacceptably low level of Women in Architecture in South Africa, while the demographics of this small group of professionals highlights the extensive marginalization of Previously Disadvantaged Individuals.(PDI’s)’*
Why is the number of PDI woman students who ‘drop out’ of architectural tertiary programmes so high?
Why are there so few woman (and even fewer black woman) owned architectural practices in South Africa?
Turning Thought Into Action
My name is Kirsty Ronne. I am a born and bred Capetownian and I graduated from the University of Cape Town in 2005.
I then worked in a few different practices during which I enjoyed many exciting design and project opportunities. I now co-own an architectural firm called Colab Concepts Architects.
I am inspired by my 3 beautiful daughters and my love for architecture.
This is a passion project of mine to inspire a movement of women supporting women within an often competitive, egotistical and judgmental space. I believe that amazing things happen when we support, inspire and invest in each other as women.
Please join me in this movement, I cannot do it alone.
Serena Williams
The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up.
Make sure you are very courageous, be strong, be extremely kind, and above all be humble.